Thursday, July 23, 2009

ObamaCare (making the pitch for)

Stream of consciousness...

Health care reform-- like climbing Everest for the first time-- will be a long struggle... I'm in favor of it-- having lived for too long in Europe, I suppose...

What follows is a slightly disjointed marketing plan:

My father is an accountant by training... Left accounting went into management... Left big business to run a medium sized business... In order to save the company money, mom and he left his health care and switched to her's... As an accountant the old guy realized that more and more of the bottom line was being chewed up by health care costs... I remember clear as day, walking up the Boulevard St. Michel when my Rockefeller Republican father told me that the country needs national health care insurance.

The trouble is most small business owners are not accountants (a group with faults, no doubt, but one that is tends to focus less on ideology than numbers). Indeed, most small business owners regard themselves as up by the boot-strap types... doing it alone. And, consequently, they tend to think "Republican" falling into the idea that the market knows best-- even when (as with healthcare) the market is screwing them someplace uncomfortable and charging them double the market rate for the privilege.

What the President should do is start going to the belly of the beast and set up town halls with these small business owners- preferably with an accountant (like the old commercials, when the accountant speaks, people listen), and explain why this plan will help them in the long run to cut costs, put more money in their pockets, and grow their business...

(He should leave out that we're hoping they grow their business so that we can RAISE TAXES!!! [Insert Evil Socialist Laugh])

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